Yellow Umbrella Photography
The name Yellow Umbrella Photography was inspired by the photo to the right. I captured it while on a trip to Hong Kong. On a cruise, through Victoria Harbor, there was a location I imagined was used to repair small boats. In the midst of this scene stood a frail looking man, sheltering himself from the hot sun, with an ordinary yellow umbrella. I knew if I was lucky enough to capture this moment, the yellow umbrella would be the focal point.
As my passion for photography grew, I could trace its roots back to the excitement I felt when I knew I was able to capture this one moment in time, and the response I received when I would share it with others. To me, that is what photography is about – capturing a special moment, or location, so that it can be shared with, and inspire others.
I want you to help you display these photographs in your home, or business. If you would like to purchase any of my work, click the Order link above, or email for pricing.